
Designer Olena Reva continues telling the story of female power and, in the new season, turns to one of the strongest and most powerful cults in the ancient Trypillian culture - the Mother Goddess.

Our ancestors depicted a supernatural being who embodied the continuity of life as a steadfast and fearless protector. In their beliefs, the Great Mother was the center of the universe - she resisted chaos and taught to respect the native land. In the ELENAREVA collection, the personification of the sacred symbol changes from one image to another: the feminine essence of a caring mother and protector of the family smoothly transitions to the clear and strict features of a courageous patroness. The brand's fine balance between feminine and masculine is taken to another level in the SS'24 collection.

A structured jacket with an off-the-shoulder effect rhymes harmoniously with a transparent dress made of weightless chiffon. And the lines of woolen bustier dresses calculated with uncompromising precision - with the smooth silhouettes of a silk suit. The dialogue about the contrasts of the feminine nature continues in monumental palazzo pants and expressive corsets and bustiers. But the clarity of forms and proportions becomes "blurred" when fragile dresses with thin straps that repeat every movement and floral prints appear.

The balance in ELENAREVA is also reached in the patterns on the fabric. The prints, developed in collaboration with the artist Lina Nechipolina, were based on ornaments on Trypillian clay jugs. Thus, the idea of a new birth was embodied in cornflower blue flowers on a white background. However, in contrast to the feminine floral motifs, there are abstract prints depicting a bull, which in ancient times personified the masculine and strength. Our ancestors often worshiped the image of the Mother Goddess sitting on a bull, symbolizing fertility and a good harvest.

Olena Reva emphasizes the depth and, at the same time, the relevance of Ukrainian traditions with skirts called "plakhta" over voluminous pants. Continuity in jewelry art is told by pendants - silver jugs and bulls were deliberately given signs of handcrafted artifacts, as if found by modern archaeologists.